Media and film studies

Pop Soundtrack Cinema

Module code: P5031
Level 6
30 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Film, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework

You explore the relationship between film and music by focusing on the curation, promotion and consumption of pop soundtracks in American and British cinema from the late 1970s to the present day.

We will consider topics such as the:

  • use of hit singles to promote films
  • impact of music video and MTV on Hollywood film
  • relationship between pop soundtracks and genre
  • representation of specific music scenes, from disco and punk rock to hip hop and rave
  • role of the music supervisor
  • significance for pop soundtracks of digital technologies such as Spotify and YouTube.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate an appropriate understanding of the key concepts, issues, and debates related tothe relationship between popular music and cinema.
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyse the relationship between films and their soundtracks, and to devise appropriate methods to represent that analysis.
  • Identify and analyse films and their pop soundtracks with reference to historically specific modes of media distribution and consumption.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct independent research and integrate appropriate sources in the development of critical analysis.
  • Plan and realise a research project that applies the critical approaches encountered on the module in an original case study