Media and film studies

Interactive Design

Module code: P4070
Level 5
30 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Workshop, Seminar, Practical
Assessment modes: Coursework

This module builds on the practical and conceptual skills acquired in the first year. It allows you to focus on the creation of a piece of interactive media while expanding your knowledge of the theories and practices common to digital media.

You will:

  • build upon your understanding of key processes and techniques
  • translate your research into appropriate visual forms which demonstrate both practical critical
  • awareness of the subject area
  • explore various software packages to demonstrate appropriate understanding of project needs
  • critically engage with techniques, the application of and issues with interactive media.

Module learning outcomes

  • Employ their skills in media practice by completing a creative project which is of an appropriate level in both form and content.
  • Apply methods of critical analysis to their work by clearly defining the relationship between the practical and conceptual development of their creative project.
  • Demonstrate research skills and a developed understanding of production processes.
  • Reflect critically and theoretically on their production work as evidenced by the creation of their practice critique.