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Staff whose normal working day falls on these days will have already been paid at a rate of single time through their base salary, so will be paid overtime at single time, in addition to base salary: Full time staff: hours worked will be paid at single time, plus TOIL Part time staff working normal scheduled hours: will be paid at single time, plus TOIL Part time staff working hours not normally scheduled: will be paid double time, but will not receive TOIL Staff on an as and when contract with no defined hours: will be paid double time, but will not receive TOIL Bank/public holidays and minimum service days will be deemed to start at 12 midnight and end at 12 midnight, 24-hours later Overtime rates for staff on defined working hours (grades 7-10, non technical) Overtime is only permitted at single time for hours worked up to 37.5 hours per week Overtime exceeding 37.5 hours must not be claimed Notes: If overtime is required, time off in lieu (TOIL) or overtime shall be granted as agreed in advance between the Head of Section and the member concerned Where additional hours are worked in the normal course of an employees duties, and the hours were not agreed in advance of the work being carried out, time off in lieu (TOIL) should be granted as an alternative to paid overtime. Where this occurs, TOIL will be for the actual hours worked If, after a 12-month period, it has not been possible for the individual to take his/her TOIL then the line manager should request an overtime payment to be made  Completed forms should be submitted from the authorising Managers email account to Payroll via the Payroll cluster inbox:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sussex.ac.uk/humanresources/business-services/hrcontactsbyareaoftheuniversity" http://www.sussex.ac.uk/humanresources/business-services/hrcontactsbyareaoftheuniversity  Name:Payroll number:School/Unit:Job Title:Grade: Overtime / Additional Hours / Enhanced PaymentsPlease see the first page of the claim form for the appropriate rate informationSingle time (hours worked over contract up to 36.5, and normal contracted hours worked on bank holiday, public holiday, or minimum service day)Dates workedHoursMinsReasons for additional workTime and a halfDates workedHoursMinsReasons for additional workTime and three quartersDates workedHoursMinsReasons for additional workDouble time (hours worked outside of normal scheduled hours and as and when hours worked on bank holiday, public holiday, or minimum service day)Dates workedHoursMinsReasons for additional work Negative Adjustments (contracted hours not worked)To process ad-hoc negative adjustments the Line Manage should email their Payroll cluster inbox with the relevant details For periods of unpaid leave exceeding one week Line Managers should email their HR Business Services cluster inbox with the relevant details Account code to be charged if different from normal salaryAccount:Sub-project: Line managers authorisation: I confirm that the above variations are correct and authorise the adjustments. 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