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They are also expected to support the management activity of the School, and contribute to the delivery of research strategy. ___ PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES To engage in high-quality research activity resulting in high quality publications; to be submitted to the REF at acceptable levels of volume and academic excellence (for Principal Investigators); to lead research projects or research initiatives within the School where appropriate; to secure research funding and third-stream income; and to contribute to the Schools research strategy. To contribute to School teaching and learning activities. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Research, Scholarship & Enterprise Contribute to the development of School research strategies and themes. Identify and develop research objectives and proposals for own and joint research. Carry out independent research and act as a Principal Investigator or project leader on major research projects. This may involve leading and line-managing the staff including their recruitment, probation, mentoring, performance review and staff development; managing the budget, and taking responsibility for the delivery of the programme. Define research objectives and questions, review and synthesise the outcomes of research studies, and develop ideas for application of research outcomes. Develop proposals for major research projects which will make a significant impact, and lead to an increase in knowledge or understanding, or the development of new explanations, insights, concepts or processes. Produce high-quality research outputs that have significant impact in the field, for publication in monographs or recognised high-quality journals, or performance/exhibition, as appropriate, and make a significant contribution to the Schools REF submission at acceptable levels of volume and academic excellence. Make presentations at national or international conferences or exhibit work in other appropriate events of a similar standing and identify ways to disseminate research outputs informally via the internet, the media and other forms of public engagement. Develop and maintain an independent research reputation by, for example, serving on peer review committees, acting as a referee for journal articles and research grant applications. Contribute to the internal co-ordination of the REF assessment exercise where appropriate. Provide academic leadership to those working within relevant research areas. Play a leading role in identifying sources of funding and secure and/or contribute to the process of securing bids. Play a lead role in identifying and securing opportunities for enterprise activity, knowledge exchange income and/or consultancy. Actively build internal and external contacts, and play a key role in internal networks and relevant external networks in order to, for example, identify sources of funding, secure student placements, and build relationships for future activities. Develop successful links with external contacts such as other educational and research bodies, businesses, the public sector, professional bodies and other providers of funding and research initiatives to foster collaboration and generate income. Play a role in a relevant national professional body or recognised events. Continually update knowledge and understanding in field or specialism, and engage in continuous professional development. Conduct risk assessments and take responsibility for the health and safety of others, if required. Teaching & Student Support Undertake teaching duties, as required. Contribute to the development of teaching and learning strategies within the School. Supervise postgraduate research students as the lead of a postgraduate supervisory team. Contribution to School & 鶹ý Attend and contribute to relevant School and project meetings. Contribute to the overall management of the School in areas such as budget management and business planning, if required. Play a key role in School or 鶹ý working groups or committees, as required. Be involved in departmental level strategic planning, and contribute to 鶹ý strategic planning processes if required. Advise and provide support to less experienced colleagues, and conduct Performance and Development Reviews, as required. Undertake additional duties, as required by the Head of School. Role-specific duties [For completion by recruiting manager] This Job Description sets out current duties of the post that may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the post or level of responsibility entailed. INDICATIVE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Regular published output of original research, with a significant proportion at international level (refereed journal papers, monographs, book chapters, text books). Responsible for leading and managing a major research group. Sustained success in obtaining competitively awarded research and knowledge exchange grants and contracts, with evidence of leadership in securing such awards as Principal Investigator. A successful track record of completed postgraduate research supervision. Significant involvement in knowledge creation and transfer in conjunction with partner organisations in industry, commerce, government or NGOs. This could be in the form of externally funded research, knowledge exchange and/or consultancy. Evidence of external profile, such as membership of professional body, editorial board or similar. Evidence of contribution to School policy formation. Evidence of successful engagement in teaching or supervision. PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL CRITERIA Normally educated to doctoral level, or other equivalent qualification, or appropriate level of experience, as appropriate to the discipline (see role-specific criteria below). Ability to lead and manage a major research programme. Track record of significant and high-quality publications in reputable journals and other appropriate media of similar standing. Successful track record of generating research and knowledge exchange income, and the translation of research results into practice. Significant experience of supervising postgraduate students. An emerging international reputation in the field of study. Excellent presentation skills, with the proven ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with students, colleagues and external audiences. Leadership and people management skills. Ability to exercise a high degree of innovation and creative problem-solving. Excellent organisational and administrative skills. Ability to prioritise and meet deadlines. A willingness to participate in support activities beyond normal teaching duties. Excellent IT skills. ESSENTIAL ROLE-SPECIFIC CRITERIA [For completion by recruiting manager]      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 "#*FHOVX`hjst~@ A C U k 驴՞铉|rh[h^hBOJQJ^Jh/oLOJQJ^JhBOJQJ^Jh| hQOJQJ^Jh| OJQJ^Jh| 5OJQJ^Jh(5OJQJ^Jh/oL5OJQJ^Jh/oLh/oLOJQJ^JhYOJQJ^Jh1OJQJ^JhQOJQJ^Jh"wOJQJ^JhQ5OJQJ^Jh;5OJQJ^J!GHWXijA B C    8 $a$gd$@ ^@ `a$gd/oLgd$a$gdk     7 9 d   B    Ǻ{{q{gYh;hQ5OJQJ^Jh!OJQJ^JhWOJQJ^Jh$vOJQJ^Jh/OJQJ^JhQ5OJQJ^JhQOJQJ^Jh^>*OJQJ^JhQ>*OJQJ^Jh/oLh/oLOJQJ^Jh/oLOJQJ^Jh/oLh/oL5OJQJ^Jh4&%OJQJ^Jh^hBOJQJ^JhOJQJ^J 8 9         $a$gd$a$gd/$ ^`a$gdfA$ & F h^`a$gdfA$a$gd ? 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