
Dementia Research Group

Public information

The Dementia Research Group are committed to disseminating their diverse research to the public.

Links to organisations relevant to Dementia Research

Funding research and information about Dementia  Alzheimer's forum 
Alzheimer's research UK ()
Alzheimer's society ()

Information from the Dementia Research Group about research

The Serpell Group focus on molecular changes in Alzheimer's disease and are trying to dissect the causes of Alzheimer's with a view to be able to better understand how to combat the disease.



Public Lectures

Link to Public lecture : Professorial lecture by Professor Louise Serpell
Link to Public lecture : Professorial lecture by Professor Jennifer Rusted
Cafe Scientifique presentation  by Professor John Atack SLIDES 


by the Drug Discovery Group 

 by the Drug Discovery Group


Public funding for the Dementia Research Group

We are very grateful for the generous support of:

  • Mr Michael Chowen
  • Brede dance club, Hastings
  • Stand up Inn, Lindfield
  • Dominic and Vyvyan Lyle : Lyle Travel award
  • John Leonida