
Centre for Innovation and Research in Childhood and Youth

Doctoral researchers

The following are doctoral researchers currently linked to CIRCY:

  • Leethen Bartholomew  (Education & Social Work)
    Thesis working title: Accusations of Spirit Possession and Witchcraft: Exploring the experiences and outcomes for accused and non-accused children within the family  
    Supervisors: Professor Elaine Sharland & Dr Russell Whiting (both Social Work & Social Care)
  • Alexandra Bates (Psychology)
    Thesis working title: Theory of Mind and Children's Social Relationships
    Supervisors: Dr Elian Fink & Dr Kathryn Lester (both Psychology)
  • Becca Dean (Psychology)
    Thesis working title: Mental Images of the Self in Young People with Depression 
    Supervisors: Dr Faith Orchard, Dr Kathryn Lester (both Psychology) & Dr Victoria Pile (KCL) 
  • Joshua Francis (Psychology)
    Thesis working title: How do Schools Prevent Emerging Issues with Body Image  
    Supervisors: Dr Faith Orchard & Dr Megan Hurst (both Psychology)
  • Daina Gross (Geography)
    Thesis working title: The Psychosocial Wellbeing of the Children of Return Migrants: The case of Latvia 
    Supervisors: Dr Russell King (Geography) & Professor Mairead Dunne (Education)
  • Anna Hutchings (Education & Social Work)
    Thesis working title: Beyond Gender: How do female social workers think about, name and explore gender, sexual orientation
    and sexuality with boys and young men who display harmful sexual
    Supervisors: Professor Michelle Lefevre & Dr Kristine Hickle (both Social Work & Social Care)
  • Brontë McDonald (Psychology)
    Thesis working title: Developing a Psychosocial Intervention for Primary School Attendance Problems 
    Supervisors: Dr Daniel Michelson & Dr Kathryn Lester (both Psychology)
  • Hannah Olle (Education)
    Thesis working title: Complex Trajectories: An exploration of the transition from Alternative Provision to post-16 settings
    Supervisors: Dr Louise Gazeley & Dr Julia Sutherland (both Education)
  • Felipe Paredes Ramos (Education & Social Work)
    Thesis working title: Care Leaver’s Experiences of Transitions in Chile:   Qualitative longitudinal research  
    Supervisors: Professor Janet Boddy (Education) & Professor Rachel Thomson (Social Work & Social Care)
  • Hayley Preston-Smith (Education)
    Thesis working title: ‘Good Friends Don’t Throw Your Shoes On The Bonfire’: An exploration of the experiences and conceptualisations of
    ‘Quality Interaction’ with children from early childhood practitioners in Southeast England.
    Supervisors: Dr Rebecca Webb & Professor Jo Westbrook (both Education)   
  • Lucy Roberts (Social Work & Social Care)
    Thesis working title: How does a Strengths-based Assessment of Social and Emotional Development Improve Outcomes for Children?
    Supervisors: Professor Michelle Lefevre (Social Work & Social Care), Dr Helen Drew & Professor Robin Banerjee (both Psychology) 
  • Loreto Rodríguez (Education & Social Work)
    Thesis working title: Understandings of the Experience of Therapy Following Sexual Abuse for Young Children in Chile 
    Supervisors: Professor Janet Boddy (Education) & Professor Michelle Lefevre (Social Work & Social Care)
  • Rosalind Willi (Institute of Development Studies)
    Thesis working title: Exploring Children’s Wellbeing in Situations of Conflict-related Return Mobilities:
    The experiences of Syrian-Armenian children and their families in the context of a family support service in Armenia
    Supervisors: Dr Keetie Roelen & Dr Dorte Thorsen (both Institute of Development Studies)
  • Julia Winstone (Criminology & Sociology)
    Thesis working title: Understanding a Child’s Journey to and in Restorative Justice from Professional Perspectives:
    A socio-legal 'child first' approach (ESRC Funded) 
    Supervisors: Professor Jo Moran-Ellis & Dr Matt Evans (both Criminology & Sociology Law)