
Human Resources

Delegating the Responsibility & Authorisation of Leave

Delegating Authorisation to another staff member - this allows another staff member to assist with authorising the leave requests from your team

Delegating Responsibility to another member of your team - this allows another staff member to input leave and sickness for your team when required and also gives them access to your team's leave calendar. *Confidential information, please see 'Delegating Responsibility' below, for process requirements required by you'

You can delegate one or both of the above via the procedures below:

How to delegate authorisation on MyView as the manager

This process will allow you to delegate the authorisation of holiday and other leave to another individual. This is also beneficial if you are on leave unexpectedly and you authorise another staff member to approve in your absence, this will also stop the request escalating to your line manager if it has not been approved.

Please note that you can now delegate to someone outside of your team.

Please watch this video for guidance on how to set up a new delegation or see the slides below:

Transcript of video

This video will show you how to delegate approval of leave to a member of your team

You can delegate the authorisation of leave to one or more members of your team.  Please note that sickness absence notifications will still come to you as the manager and you will be the only person that can see a sickness absence reason if it is submitted.

Click on My Delegations on the left hand side, then View Delegation Rules, click Add New

Make sure Authorisations is ticked and give the Delegation a name, such as delegate to Gary

Click on Search next to Delegate To box and search for Gary amongst your team, click continue

And now click on Select next to Delegate For, here you can choose whether to delegate people individually or if you want to delegate the whole team.  If you delegate the whole team, when new team members start this rule will also be applied to them, whereas if you delegate individually you will need to manually add new members to this rule if you wish them to be delegated.

We will choose individuals on this occasion, tick the individuals you wish to delegate and click continue

Now chose the module by clicking Select, you must choose Time Management and Leave Management modules and continue

If this delegation is temporary you can choose a start and end date,

or if you only want the authorisations to be delegated when you are showing as absent on MyView, such as when you are on leave or you have logged yourself as being off sick, you can tick the Absence box.

If this is to be permanent leave these fields blank

If you do not wish for the email notification to come to you or the notifications to appear on your authorisations dashboard in MyView you will need to tick the ‘suppress’ box.

Click submit and continue, you will now see the delegation rule you have put in place.

You can also add another delegation rule here if required.

If you wish to add or remove staff from this delegation in the future you will need to click on the Description and click edit at the bottom of the page, you can now add or remove staff in the Delegate for box.

Delegating authorisation of leave - step by step instructions

Click on My Delegations on the left hand menu of your MyView dashboard.

A screenshot of the MyView "My Delegations" page, with the "View Delegation Rules" button circled

Click on View Delegation Rules, the following screen will be displayed, Click on Add New

A screenshot of the MyView "Delegation of Responsibility and Auth" page with the "Add New" button circled

• Select the delegation Rule Type: Authorisation

A screenshot of the MyView create delegation rule page, with the Rule type "Authorisation" and delegate to "search" buttons highlighted

• Enter a Description for this rule (something that describes the rule to you such as 'delegate Assistants to Peter Church')

• Delegate To – Click on search button to select person to delegate to. The following Advanced Search screen is displayed:

a screenshot of the MyView search for delegate screen

Search and select the person you want to delegate to (they must be within your team) and click continue.

A screenshot of the MyView "Delegation of Responsibility and Auth" page with the "search" button of the Delegate For section circled

Delegate For - Click Select and tick the relevant option as explained below:

A screenshot of the selectable options of the "Delegation of Responsibility for" search screen

People Individually – enables you to create a static list of employees by selecting individual employee(s). If you choose this option you will need to manually add any new staff as and when they join by editing this delegation and adding to the 'Delegate For' field.
Direct Reports – enable you to create a dynamic list of employees who report directly to the manager.
Whole Team – enables you to create a dynamic list of employees who report directly or indirectly to the manager

Then click Continue

Module/Process Group/View - Select Leave Management AND Time Management

a screenshot of the MyView options selecting what is to be delegated

• Click continue the following appears when you return to the input screen:

a screenshot of the MyView delegation rule page, with the delegation period and conditions options circled

Enter the From and To Dates to specify the period for which the delegation rule applies. You can leave this blank if it is permanent.  All requests will now also go to this staff member for approval.
You can check the Absence check box to apply the rule automatically only when you have an absence record in MyView against your own record, i.e sickness or holiday.

You can also tick the 'Supress Authorisations & Email' check box to prevent email notification being sent to you as the manager for the duties you are delegating.

Click the Confirm button

The confirmation screen appears informing you that you have successfully created your delegation rule

Click continue.  You are taken back to the Delegation of Responsibility & Auth Summary screen

A screenshot of a completed delegation on the "Delegation of Responsibility and Auth" screen

If you need to add any new staff to this rule in the future you can just click on the rule under 'Description' and add them to the 'Delegate For' list.

When a leave request is made by a staff member who has been delegated to you, their name will appear on the Authorisation widget on your MyView home screen, where the request can be confirmed or denied.

A screenshot of the MyView authorisation widget

Additionally, if you click the text of the Staff member's name, the staff member's leave entitlement and the leave calendar for their team can also be seen, assisting in scheduling.

A screenshot of the MyView absence authorisation screen, with the "View entitlement and View team calendar" buttons highlighted

How to delegate responsibility on MyView as the manager

This process will allow you to enable another member of staff to submit leave and absence on behalf of one of your team members.  The delegated member of staff will also be able to see the team leave calendar of the delegated team members.

The delegated staff member will have access to confidential information including sickness absence reasons, the manager will be responsible for deciding if giving access to this information is necessary and proportionate, for example you may have a large number of direct reports, co-line manage or you are unavailable for long periods of time. 

It is a requirement for you to:

  1. Notify your team that you have delegated this responsibility and who to, and to advise your team that they should discuss this with you if they have any concerns. 
  2. The delegated member of staff must have carried out their online GDPR training.

Please watch this video for guidance on how to set up a new delegation for responsibility or see the step by step instructions below:



Transcript of video

This video will show you how to delegate responsibility of your team to another member of staff.

This will allow another manager or staff member to input holiday and sickness on behalf of a staff member.  They will also see the whole team calendar of the staff member that has been delegated to them.

Please note that sickness email notifications will still be directed to the manager. Please also note that the person you are delegating to, will also have access to the sickness reasons of the staff that have been delegated.  Care must be taken when deciding who can act as a delegate for this purpose.

I will begin the demonstration as Mag, the Manager of the department.  Mag will be delegating responsibility for her whole team to another staff member.

Click on My Delegations on the left hand side, then View Delegation Rules, click Add New

Make sure the rule type is set to Responsibilities and give the Delegation a name, such as ‘delegate responsibility of whole team to Pipa’

Click on Search next to the ‘Delegate To’ box and search for Pipa and click continue

And now click on Select next to ‘Delegate For’, here you can choose who you wish to delegate. You can delegate the whole team which includes those staff that report to your direct reports, or you can delegate your direct reports only, or staff on an individual basis.  Please note that if you choose ‘whole team’ or ‘direct reports’ the system will automatically add any new staff to this rule when they start in your team, whereas if you delegate individually you will need to manually add new members to this rule if you wish them to be delegated.

We will choose whole team on this occasion, you can see that Fred reports to Fran but he is being included as we are choosing whole team, click continue

Now chose the module by clicking Select, you must choose Time Management and Leave Management modules. You can now choose if your delegate will have access to only view the actions of your team or if they have permission to also submit. Ensure that you amend both drop downs if appropriate, and continue

If this delegation is for a temporary period of time, you can choose a start and end date,

Or if you only want the delegation to be enabled when you are showing as absent on MyView, such as when you are on leave or you have logged yourself as being off sick, you can tick the Absence box.

If this is to be permanent leave these fields blank

You cannot suppress the emails for this action, the line manager will continue to be notified if a member of their team submits a sickness absence.

Click submit and continue, you will now see the delegation rule you have put in place.

You can also add another delegation rule here if required.

If you wish to add or remove staff or delete the delegation in the future you will need to click on the Description and click edit at the bottom of the page, you can now make the necessary changes.

Video 2:

Click on my delegations on the left hand side, you can now see under ‘Delegated to Me’ that responsibility’s have been delegated to you for leave and absence.

Click on ‘select’ And choose the rule that holds the staff member you wish to access, you may have many rules on this page if other managers have delegated to you. This tick box is asking you to confirm if you would like to create an absence for the staff member or whether you would just like to view the absence that they have put in. We will be creating an absence so click next

Choose the staff member that you would like to add absence for

And click on the date of the absence

you can choose to book new leave or notify new sickness

Choose the dates for the sickness certification type and the Reason

if you are unaware of the reason there is an option for unspecified, and click SUBMIT

If the staff member continues to be absent past the ‘to’ date, please log back into this calendar and amend the ‘to’ date accordingly and resubmit.  Please do not create a new record for the same sickness, if there is a bank holiday or minimum service day during the sickness please end the sickness the day before and restart it after the bank holiday.  Sickness does not need to be authorised but an e-mail will go to the staff member and the line manager notifying them of the absence.

If you choose to book, delete or amend holiday for the staff member, please note that this will auto approve if you have been delegated authorisation permissions for this staff member.  Please see the instructions on the MyView webpage of how to delegate authorisation.

Another feature of delegating responsibility is that you can also view the team leave calendar of those staff that have been delegated to you.

Click on My Delegated Staff Calendar and choose a team member that has been delegated to you.

This page will show their holiday and absence calendar and if you scroll to the bottom you can also choose to see their team calendar.  You will only see the type of absence for the staff member you have chosen and for yourself, all other staff will show as absent regardless of the absence type.

Please note that you cannot see Fred on this calendar as he reports to Fran, so he has a different team calendar.  You can however return to the My Delegations page and choose Fred from here.

Delegating responsibility - step by step instructions 

Click on My Delegations on the left hand side and then View Delegation Rules

Click on Add New

Choose the Rule Type: Responsibilities, type a description for the delegation, click on the Search button next to Delegate To and choose the person you are delegating to

Click on Select next to Delegate For and choose who you are delegating for and click continue

People Individually – enables you to create a static list of employees by selecting individual employee(s). If you choose this option you will need to manually add any new staff as and when they join by editing this delegation and adding to the 'Delegate For' field.
Direct Reports – enable you to create a dynamic list of employees who report directly to you
Whole Team – enables you to create a dynamic list of employees who report directly or indirectly to you

Now click on Search next to Module/Process Group

You must select Leave Management AND Time Management, if you are giving the delegate access to SUBMIT holiday and sickness absence on your behalf please choose SUBMIT from both dropdowns. NOTE: Your delegate will be able to see sickness absence reasons for your team, it is the managers responsibility to ensure that the access is appropriate and treated confidentially.

If the delegation is for a temporary period of time, you can input the dates here.  If you would like this delegation rule to only activate when
you are showing as absent on MyView, please tick the absence box.

Now click Confirm/Submit

The confirmation screen appears informing you that you have successfully created your delegation rule

When you click Continue, you will be taken to this screen detailing the delegation rule you have applied.

How to view the staff delegated to you

This is only possible when the responsibility has been delegated to you (not authorisation only).

This process will allow you to submit leave and absence on behalf of a manager and you will also be able to see their team leave calendar.

As you will have access to confidential information such as sickness absence reasons for the delegated members of staff, you must ensure that you treat this information as confidential and only use the data for the appropriate purpose, in line with data protection guidelines.

The manager delegating this responsibility to you is required to:

  1. Notify their team that they have delegated this responsibility and who to, and to advise their team that they should discuss this with them if they have any concerns. 
  2. The delegated member of staff must have carried out their online GDPR training.

Please watch this video for guidance on how to submit leave and absence and also how to access the delegated staff member's team calendar or see the step by step instructions below:


Transcript of video

Click on my delegations on the left hand side, you can now see under ‘Delegated to Me’ that responsibility’s have been delegated to you for leave and absence.

Click on ‘select’ And choose the rule that holds the staff member you wish to access, you may have many rules on this page if other managers have delegated to you. This tick box is asking you to confirm if you would like to create an absence for the staff member or whether you would just like to view the absence that they have put in. We will be creating an absence so click next.

Choose the staff member that you would like to add absence for and click on the date of the absence.  You can choose to book new leave or notify new sickness.

Choose the dates for the sickness certification type and the Reason

if you are unaware of the reason there is an option for unspecified, and click SUBMIT

If the staff member continues to be absent past the ‘to’ date, please log back into this calendar and amend the ‘to’ date accordingly and resubmit. Please do not create a new record for the same sickness, if there is a bank holiday or minimum service day during the sickness please end the sickness the day before and restart it after the bank holiday. Sickness does not need to be authorised but an e-mail will go to the staff member and the line manager notifying them of the absence.

If you choose to book, delete or amend holiday for the staff member, please note that this will auto approve if you have been delegated authorisation permissions for this staff member. Please see the instructions on the MyView webpage of how to delegate authorisation.

Another feature of delegating responsibility is that you can also view the team leave calendar of those staff that have been delegated to you.
Click on My Delegated Staff Calendar and choose a team member that has been delegated to you.

This page will show their holiday and absence calendar and if you scroll to the bottom you can also choose to see their team calendar. You will only see the type of absence for the staff member you have chosen and for yourself, all other staff will show as absent regardless of the absence type.

Please note that you cannot see Fred on this calendar as he reports to Fran, so he has a different team calendar. You can however return to the My Delegations page and choose Fred from here.

Responsibility delegated to you - step by step instructions

Click on My Delegations on the left hand side, you can now see under ‘Delegated to Me’ that responsibility’s have been delegated to you for leave and absence.

Click on ‘select’ And choose the rule that holds the staff member you wish to access, you may have many rules on this page if other managers have delegated to you.

This tick box is asking you to confirm if you would like to create an absence for the staff member or whether you would just like to view the absence that they have put in. 

Choose the staff member that you would like to add absence for

And click on the date of the absence and choose to book new leave or notify new sickness or click on a recorded sickness and edit the dates to extend the sickness, if there is a bank holiday or minimum service day during the sickness please end the sickness the day before and restart it after the bank holiday. Sickness does not need to be authorised but an e-mail will go to the staff member and the line manager notifying them of the absence.

Another feature of delegating responsibility is that you can also view the team leave calendar of those staff that have been delegated to you.
Click on My Delegated Staff Calendar and choose a team member that has been delegated to you.

This page will show their holiday and absence calendar, if you scroll to the bottom you can also choose to see their team leave calendar. You will only see the type of absence for the staff member you have chosen, all other staff will show as absent regardless of the absence type.

Adding a new team member to an existing delegation rule

This video will show you how to add or remove a staff member from a delegation rule

Go to My Delegations and View Delegation Rules

The click on the Description of the rule you wish to amend

Click EDIT at the bottom of the page and then click on select next to Delegate For

Here you can select and unselect staff to add or remove them for them rule as necessary

Ending the delegation rule

The manager should click on My People, My Team delegations and View Delegation Rules, then click on the description of the rule you wish to end. In the bottom right hand corner you can click edit and then delete. If you feel that you may need this rule again in the future you can just put an end date in the rule and remove it when you need it again. Once ended all approvals that are still pending will move back to the manager to approve.

When the delegate goes on leave?

The delegate can click on My Delegations in MyView and then click on the rule that has been delegated to them, they will then have the option to delegate to someone else during this time.

If you are delegating responsibility to another member of staff, you must first obtain the approval of the line manager.