
Sussex Researcher School

The Month Ahead

Events and initiatives coming up in the month ahead

Researcher Development Programme: May

Workshops coming up in May include: 

11th - 11-12.30- Literature searching - limited places

13th - Intro to NVivo, 3 part course- waiting list in operation

13th - 10-12.30- Exploring impact: joint event for doctoral researchers & supervisors

20th - 14.00-17.00- Practical tips to improve your academic writing

21st - 10.00-16.30- Presentation design- waiting list in operation

27th - 14.00-16.00- Getting ethical approval

28th - 11.00-12.30- Keeping up to date in your subject- limited spaces

28th - 14.00-15.30- Introduction to digital note-making and bookmarking

29th - 13.00-15.00- Undertaking a literature review in social sciences

You can book a place, or add your name to a waiting list.


Exploring Impact: a joint event for doctoral researchers & supervisors - 13th May

On the 13th May 2015 (10.00-12.30) we’re planning to bring supervisors and students together to discuss and debate how impact can be achieved in doctoral research and beyond, increase awareness of opportunities for achieving impact, and share ideas on the role of the supervisor in supporting their students with the impact agenda.

Faculty from across campus are supporting the event, and will be talking about the impact of their research. We’re delighted that David Hendy, Alison Phipps, John Drury, Jan Selby and Istvan Kiss and Graham Pedlingham will all be presenting. Book your place to join us.


Doctoral School Summer BBQ 2015 - 14th May

We are pleased to announce the arrangements for our annual Doctoral School Summer BBQ for doctoral researchers and research staff, which this year will be taking place on Thursday 14th May (15:30 - 18:00) in East Slope Bar.

A huge crowd of over 260 researchers joined us at this lovely event last year for some tasty free food and drink, and the chance to socialise with researchers across campus.

What's on the menu:

  • Quarter pounder beef burger OR veggie burger with relish, tomato, gherkin & lettuce in a soft seeded bun
  • Barbequed halloumi, sweet chilli sauce, lettuce & tomato in a soft bun
  • Marinated chicken & vegetable skewers
  • New potato salad
  • Arrabbiata pasta salad

PLEASE NOTE: The BBQ is now fully booked and a reserve list is in operation.


Places that become available as a result of cancellations will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis to researchers on the reserve list. If we are able to book a place for you, we will notify you by e-mail.


Career Development for PhD Researchers - 18th May

On Monday 18th May (11.00 - 13.00) the Careers and Employability Centre will be running a practical workshop on Career Development for PhD Researchers.

The session offers the opportunity to:

  • Find out some of the most popular routes onwards from the PhD
  • Unpack the skills you are developing as you conduct your research
  • Learn how to appeal to employers outside academia
  • Find out about a range of information resources, and the ongoing help and support available from the Careers and Employability Centre


Date for the Diary: The Part-Time Researcher - 11th June

Every year large numbers of people successfully complete doctorates through part-time study. Despite the positive experience of those part-time researchers, it is clear that part-time study poses a number of challenges, and combining research with work, family and other commitments is not easy. This interactive one-day programme offers you the opportunity to take some time and space to share experiences and discuss the key issues of being a part-time researcher.

The workshop will include:

  • Panel discussion with two part-time doctoral alumni, sharing their experiences and tips for successful completion
  • Guidance on managing your part-time doctorate
  • Guidance from a supervisor, on how to get the best from part-time supervision
  • Advice on using technology to help with part-time research

There will also be plenty of opportunity for discussing your work and sharing your experiences with other part-time researchers, with a mix of tutor input and small/large group discussions. Plenty of refreshments will also be provided. Book your place.


Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk