
Sussex Researcher School

Doctoral School Online

We'll be using this part of our newsletter to highlight online resources, and to help you navigate and find information on our Doctoral School website

Starting your doctorate at Sussex: online module

We have developed a new online module to help new doctoral researchers just beginning their research. Written by a doctoral researcher (now Doctor!), the module provides really useful advice and guidance on:

  • The doctoral process (writing your research plan, literature review, making progress, managing the supervisory relationship)
  • Practicalities of doctoral research (keeping up to date, not taking, bibliographic referencing, writing, time management, technology)
  • Professional development (networking, teaching, conferences, getting published)

The module is intended to complement the induction information you receive through your Schools, and via the handbook & regulations for Doctoral Researchers.

We hope you’ll find this to be a really useful resource you can return to and when you need to throughout the early stages of your doctorate.

Keeping a record of meetings with your supervisor

Did you know you can create a record of your supervisory meetings using Once you've created the record an automatic email will be sent to your supervisor who will confirm the record and add any details they wish to be logged.

You can also add comments on your research progress directly into Sussex Direct, by clicking on the ‘study’ tab at the top of the screen. Select ‘timetable’, and go to ‘events booking’.  

For step by step instructions on how to use this tool, please click on the 'help' icon in the ‘events booking screen’.

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk