



Book cover Parental Responsibility, Young Children and Healthcare Law by Jo Bridgeman


This book provides a comprehensive examination of the legal regulation of the provision of healthcare to young children in England and Wales. A critical analysis is given on the law governing the provision of healthcare to young and dependent children identifying an understanding of the child as vulnerable and in need of protection, including from his or her own parents. The argument is made for a conceptual framework of relational responsibilities which would ensure that consideration is given to the needs of the child as an individual, to the experiences of parents gained as they care for their child and that the wider context, such as attitudes towards disability, public health issues or the support and resources available, is examined. This book makes an important contribution to understanding the law regulating the provision of healthcare to young and dependent children and to the development of a discourse of responsibility.

Book Cover Medical Treatments of Children and the Law by Jo Bridgeman


The high-profile cases of Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans, and Tafida Raqeeb raised the questions as to why the state intrudes into the exercise of parental responsibility concerning the medical treatment of children and why parents may not be permitted to decide what is in the best interests of their child. This book answers these questions. It argues for a reframing of the law concerned with the medical treatment of children to one which better protects the welfare of the individual child, within the context of family relationships recognising the duties which professionals have to care for the child and that the welfare of children is a matter of public interest, protected through the intervention of the state.

This book undertakes a rigorous critical analysis of the case law concerned with the provision of medical treatment to children since the first reported cases over forty years ago. It argues that understanding of the cases only as disputes over the best interests of the child, and judicial resolution thereof, fails to recognise professional duties and public responsibilities for the welfare and protection of children that exist alongside parental responsibilities and which justify public, or state, intervention into family life and parental decision-making. Whilst the principles and approach of the court established in the early cases endure, the nature and balance of these responsibilities to children in their care need to be understood in the changing social, legal, and political context in which they are exercised and enforced by the court.

Book Cover Medical Self-Regulation Mark Davies


Self-regulation constitutes an important aspect of the regulatory and oversight process governing professionals. This book focuses directly on medical self-regulation in the context of both the wider regulatory framework and that of other regulatory models. Through a critical consideration of recent events, including high-profile and controversial cases, it is demonstrated that the self-regulatory process has failed and that only fundamental restructuring and a radical change in attitudes on the part of members of the profession can repair the damage. Attention is also given to the recent changes, current proposals for change and to alternative regulatory models. Medical Self-Regulation will be of international interest, appealing to policy makers, as well as students and practitioners in the fields of medicine, medical law and sociology and professional regulation. 

Book Cover The Jurisdiction of Medical Law by Mark Davies


This book offers a critical analysis of some of the guiding principles and assumptions that have been central to the development and identity of medical law. Focusing on several key cases in the field - including the 'Dianne Pretty' and 'Conjoined Twins' cases - the book scrutinizes the notions of autonomy and human rights, and explores the relationship between medical law and moral conflict. It also asks what role, if any, the courts might play in stimulating public debate about the ethics of controversial developments in medicine and biomedical science. This innovative book will be of interest to academics and students working in the areas of medical law, legal theory, bioethics and medical ethics. It will also appeal to those within the medical and health care professions seeking a critical analysis of the development and operation of medical law.