

Law & Resistance Research Group

Formerly the Critical Theory Research Group, we re-launched in September 2023 to better reflect the interests and expertise of our members, which can collectively be described as radical critique. We invite all colleagues interested in struggle, social movements and thinking law otherwise to join our research community.

Co-Directors: Darcy Leigh and Bal Sokhi-Bulley

Upcoming Events  

Law and ‘Justice’ Roundtable

Date: Thurs 25 April 2024

Date: 3-5pm

Venue: tbc

Juliet Ibekaku-Nwagwu (Law) How do Financial Institutions’ Failure to Adequately Prevent the Laundering of Proceeds of Crime Deprave African Countries Resources for Sustainable Development?

Leonard Chimanda Joseph (Law) Leveraging The East African Community Laws In Combatting Statelessness: Lessons From The Ecowas

(Law) Social class inequalities in the UK criminal courts

(Law/Geography) Social justice through radical empathy: community archiving with Gypsies and Travellers in Sussex

(organiser, Law/Geography) Strategic Legal Ambiguity as a biopolitical mechanism in the management of migration

FRE-Moot Room (tbc) 

*Visiting Speaker, LSE Law School*

Date: Thurs 21 March 2024

Time: 3-5pm 

Marie Petersmann (Assistant Professorial Research Fellow) Law and the Inhuman – the Inhuman in Law Co-sponsored with the Centre for Rights & Anti-Colonial Justice

Online Session Workers’ Resistance

Date: Thursday 07 March 2024

Time: 3-4.30pm

Ihab Maharmeh (Politics)

Palestinian Workers’ Resistance in the Age of Neoliberal Settler Colonialism 


Internationalism & anti-imperialism in Yiddish songs of struggle

& resistance: Resources for our times? 


The ‘human’ as sarbat da bhalla:

Garment factory workers & collective well-being in hostile environments 

Join via Zoom: 

 AH-G3 Struggle and Social Movements

Date: Thurs 1 February 2024

Time: 3-5pm

(Law) Crossing the Rubicon: The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 as an Authoritarian Crucible Lara Montesinos-Coleman (IR) & Louise Wise (IR) Extractivism as Genocide

Brighton Reading Room: Book Launch

Date: Friday 19 January 2024

Time: 7.30pm

Lara Montesinos-Coleman Struggles for the Human: Violent Legality and the Politics of Human Rights (Duke Uni Press)

Guest Speakers: Hasret Cetincaya, Koshka Duff &

Chaired by:

Co-sponsored with Centre for Global Political Economy & Centre for Rights and Anti-Colonial Justice