

Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium

Our Annual SLS Teaching and Learning Symposium provides a space to bring colleagues, both within Sussex Law School and beyond, together to reflect on our teaching experiences, to share examples of best practice, and discuss ‘hot topics’ in legal education.

26 June 2023: ‘SLS Symposium 2023’

In 2023, we used this space to reflect on our teaching experiences, and discuss examples of excellent teaching practice across the law school. 

4 June 2022: ‘SLS Symposium 2022: Teaching and Learning in the Post-Pandemic Era’

In 2022, our 'hot topic' seminar was on the perceived rise of cheating in online assessments, where we were joined by guest speakers, a student panel and colleagues from across the sector.

15 June 2021: 'SLS Symposium 2021: Teaching During Covid-19: A Challenge or an Opportunity?'

In 2021 our ‘hot topic’ seminar was on authentic assessment, featuring papers from external speakers on ‘Embracing ‘fake authenticity’ in a disrupted world: flexible approaches to (more) authentic learning and assessment in the law degree’, ‘Using visual assessment methods to rejuvenate case reports’ and ‘CLASS In the Classroom: A View from Within’.