
School of Media, Arts and Humanities - for students and staff


Full attendance is expected from students in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities. Registers are kept for all seminars and workshops, and we regularly run checks to ensure students are meeting the required level of attendance, so it's really important that you let us know if you are ill or cannot attend class for a good reason.  

See the  for further information (section 4, 4.3).

How to report your absence from a module

If you are unable to attend your seminars or workshops, you need to send an email to MAH-attendance@sussex.ac.uk setting out the following information: 

  • Seminar/ workshop that you will be absent from (list all of them)
  • Tutor name
  • Brief reason for absence

If you know that you are going to be away for a set number of days then please let us know your return date and make sure you include information about all of the classes that you are going to miss over this period.

If you are unsure how many days you will be absent (due to illness for example) please can you send us a daily email until you are able to return to your studies.

How to report long-term absence (more than 6 days)

Students who are unable to attend or engage for more than 6 days due to illness, incapacity or any other situation will need to provide a medical certificate (or suitable alternative professional evidence). This must be sent to the School office in Arts A7, addressed to “MAH Absence”.

If suitable evidence is provided, the Director of Student Experience will authorise the absence, and will agree a return to study plan to ensure that the student can continue on their current programme of study. If a medical certificate (or suitable alternative evidence) is not provided, or the Director of Student Experience is not satisfied with the evidence provided, the absence may not be authorised.a.

What happens if I don't improve my attendance and engagement with the course?

Where a student does not respond to contacts or improve their attendance or engagement, or a student’s absence is expected to prevent them from progressing on their course, this will then lead to a School Student Progress Committee Meeting. Students can then be subject to temporary or permanently withdrawal from the course depending on the situation.

To avoid this happening, please make sure you inform us of any absences and that you respond to any contacts (email or letter) about your attendance so we can help you to re-engage with your course.