Strategy and Marketing

Consumer Behaviour

Module code: N1505
Level 5
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Pre-recorded content, Workshop
Assessment modes: Computer based exam, Coursework

This module is intended to develop your knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts drawn from research in marketing psychology and how these shed light on consumers' motivations and behaviours.

The module examines fundamental processes in consumer behaviour, such as: decision-making, perception, learning, memory, the self, attitudes and persuasion. It also explores the extent to which these processes are influenced by individual, situational, environmental, inter-personal and cultural (sub-cultural) factors.

Through a focus on contemporary issues in consumer behaviour, and the challenges these may pose marketing managers, the module enables you to apply conceptual and theoretical ideas in marketing psychology to analyse, evaluate and improve marketing strategies. You are also encouraged to reflect and critically evaluate their own behaviours as consumers.

Module learning outcomes

  • Develop knowledge and critical understanding of key principles, models and theories in the domain of consumer behaviour
  • Evaluate the individual, situational, environmental and cultural influences on consumer behaviour
  • Apply principles, models and theories of consumer behaviour to analyse, evaluate and improve marketing activities.
  • Work effectively to communicate about consumer behaviour topics