Engineering and design

Interaction Methods

Module code: H1030
Level 5
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Seminar, Laboratory
Assessment modes: Coursework

What is this module about?

Interaction Design Methods runs over the first term. The theme as a whole is about achieving the best possible fit between people and products; intellectually, physically and emotionally.

Why is this module interesting/relevant in today’s world?

Interaction Design I conveys the basic understanding of interaction - conceptually, theoretically, and with a special focus on the relationship between humans and products/interactive systems.

How will this module benefit you?

We begin with an understanding of the primary aims for interaction with products.

What is exciting about this module?

You will explore the main concepts and characteristics of human interaction including an overview of the human sensory system (vision, auditory, touch, taste, and smell) and their relevance for interaction design. This module will subsequently emphasise the visual channel, considering relevant expert theories on Perception to inform both the three dimensional form and screen design.

How does this module relate to career development? How might it be useful to an engineer in their future career?

We will emphasise the relevance empathy tools, personas and scenarios as well as digital mobile and web-based interactive rapid prototyping tools to evaluate and present design ideas.

How does this module relate to the rest of the course? What does it prepare you for?

It will build upon Semiotic studies and prepare you for more challenging projects in second term and third year.

Module learning outcomes

  • Clearly communicates the appropriate application of interaction design principles in the analysis of product or system.
  • Create an interaction design concept for a specific problem and context, using a range of creative design, envisioning and prototyping techniques.
  • Evaluate a product or system through appropriate viability and user testing analysis.
  • Design and develop an interactive product or system incorporating appropriate mathematical and engineering principles in a mechatronics platform.