Computer labs

See our professional-grade workstations which run advanced software.

Computer labs

About our computer labs

We provide four specialist teaching labs for students in the School of Engineering and Informatics. These are equipped with professional-grade workstations (Dell Precision range) running Windows 10.

Software available in our labs includes:

  • program development environments, including Netbeans, Visual Studio, BlueJ, Eclipse, Android SDK, CUDA SDK, MATLAB, Robot C
  • programming languages, including Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Python, Perl, Haskell, Prolog, Lisp, Scala
  • creative and media related packages, including 3D Studio Max, Adobe Creative Suite 6, Cortona 3D, DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Maya and Cinema 4D
  • a wide range of standard productivity and document preparation tools, including Microsoft Office, EndNote, Emacs, MiKTeX
  • many other software packages and tools, including Aqua DataStudio, Apache Tomcat, Maple, MySQL, NLTK, Phidgets libraries, SPSS, Wireshark.

You’ll have benefit from a large amount of network disk storage.

Our Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence students have remote access to interactive Linux servers.

High quality printing and scanning facilities are also available and we have good wireless connectivity.

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